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Links to KSAs


Alberta Education has indicated that during their first two years of teaching, teachers should use the Interim KSAs to guide their teaching, reflect on their practice, and direct their professional development in collaboration with their supervisors and evaluators.


  1. contextual variables

  2. the structure of the Alberta education system

  3. programs of study as related to planning, instruction and assessment of student progress

  4. development of  subject disciplines

  5. differentiation

  6. short, medium and long-term range planning

  7. classroom structure and climate

  8. respecting students’ human dignity

  9. approaches/strategies for teaching and learning

  10. traditional and electronic teaching/learning technologies

  11. student assessment

  12. partnerships among teachers, parents, and students

  13. resources relevant to teaching and learning objectives

  14. contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school

  15. career-long learning 

  16. overall vision of the purpose of teaching

  17. Teaching Quality Standards

KSA 1: Teachers make reasoned decisions about teaching and learning based on their ongoing analysis of contextual variables. 
Within Phys Ed, among the many things to take into consideration, the top 3 that I look closely is as shown above.
  1. Is the play area safe? What are potential hazards to be aware of? If something were to go wrong, where is my med kit? Questions such as those are ones that I think about when making lesson plans and when doing a primary observation of the play area.
  2. Once the environment has been labeled as safe, the second consideration that I take is that some students may have personal issues that they are dealing with and that forcing students to do something is not favorable in helping them. Students that have excusable reasons to miss class, not participate, and/or choose not to do what is expected of them will not be confronted in front of the class for "not participating". I prefer one-on-one conversations with students and if there are problems, we deal with it together. If they request to sit off, they may be given that choice or given the role as a ref, coach, or scorekeeper for a game or groups.
  3. Phys Ed is a time to let go of stress and simply play. I encourage my students to have fun when playing, be silly, try something new, to be partnered up with someone new. Obviously, there are times when students need to be serious and pay attention such as when dealing with equipment (putting up nets/poles) where fooling around can be a safety hazard and safety comes first.
KSA 2: Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical framework within which they work.
As a teacher, there are rules and responsibilities that we have to follow. Things such as attendance to PD Days, providing physical, emotional, and psychological help to all students. There is also the concept of presenting yourself as a professional in both school and outside a school setting. This involves behaving in an appropriate manner that respects the profession and respects the individual as a representative of the school.  
  1. Professional Distance: Throughout my internship, I had to keep a professional distance from students that tried to "friend" me on Facebook and Instagram. I expressed to students that the relationship I have with them is a professional one and cannot accept their request to connect on social media. Students understood my placement on the issue and respected the choice to not accept.
KSA 3: Teachers use the program of study to inform and direct planning instruction and assessment 
Every lesson is developed with the specific and general learning outcomes as the theme. In Health, the picture above shows the general learning outcome (R) which stands for Relationship Choices with the specific learning outcome right below it. In Phys Ed, the GLO and SLO are as stated.
KSA 4: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content they teach 
My coaching background and athletic upraising has made
teaching Phys Ed and Health relatively easy as I was raised
within this environment not to mention the education I have
received to prepare me for this process.
KSA 5: Teachers identify and respond
to learners differences
With Phys Ed and Health being very much performance based
subjects, some students excel while others really struggle. In 
Phys Ed, athletic students tend to coast through with very little 
difficulties whereas students that are less sports-oriented tend
to struggle a bit more. As an instructor, it is my job to help 
students that are struggling while at the same time have the advanced students entertained.
In Health, students are experienced to a series of life lessons from time management techniques to stress management strategies all of which are universal. Some students are very organized and need no reminder in how to plan out their day, how to organizer their binder, etc. whereas others have a very different narrative and really need to focus as the lesson may be specifically targeted towards students that struggle with these areas. There are also moments that require everyone to focus, such as talking about building resumes or different study techniques, all of which are something that affects everyone. 
KSA 6: Teachers plan for instruction, translating curriculum and outcomes into meaningful learning activities
In Health, the specific learning outcome (SLO) is directly placed onto their workbooks so students can read exactly what is expected of them from Alberta Education Curriculum. In Phys Ed, the curriculum outcomes are developed and achieved throughout the year, many times revisiting certain SLOs such as the advancement of fundamental skills (locomotor, non-locomotor, manipulative skills). Some students may struggle with basic skills in lacrosse but flourish when it comes to basketball or others sports.
KSA 7: Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security
I find students learn best and are most engaged when they enjoy
their time, that is why I like to teach through humor; I find that
humor provides students the enjoyment they desire along with the
social and psychological security it provides. I try and do activities
that allows students to work together in both Phys Ed and Health
fostering the environment for collaboration with others and 
building personal self-esteem.
KSA 8: Establish relationships with
students that respect human dignity
By making the environment enjoyable for students, building
relationships was rather simple. The rapport I created with the students made my experience very enjoyable. I would joke around with them while at the same time challenge them to do more and expect more from themselves.   
KSA 9: Teachers use broad range of instructional strategy
Phys Ed is very Kinestheticly dominated when it comes to
instruction. The implementation of the whiteboards in the gym
allowed students to visually see what is expected of them along with
seeing the daily lesson as a whole before the class started. This 
allows students that are stronger in other areas (such as linguistics, 
 and spatial) to also benefit. After reading out the instructions, 
students volunteers would demo what skills we are working on
and then given the chance to practice alone or with a partner 
(interpersonal and intrapersonal). 
KSA 10: Teachers apply a variety of technologies to meet students' learning needs
SMART board projections where the main source of technology used
within any of my classes. The purpose of the SMART board was to 
show students in Health class videos and worksheets so that they
can follow along as we go together. 
In Phys Ed, the projection screen will be used in the Dance unit
so that students of younger ages can follow along with the video as
they may forget some steps. 
In CTF Fitness, the SMART board was used to show workout videos
to the students of which required them to follow along an actively 
KSA 11: Teachers gather and use information about students' learning needs and progress and assess the range of learning objectives
Students range all along the bell curve of intelligence where some struggle on bookwork
but excel in sports, some are the other way around and others are a mixture of a lot of
things; that is why each student has their own path. Part of gathering information on
student development and progression is the concept of knowing your students and 
knowing what is expected of them and what they can expect from themselves. Some
students are highly skilled and therefore have a higher expectancy level they are 
expected to reach and maintain. Others are in the developing stages and as a teacher, 
we reward their efforts but do not maintain the same standards because they would be
challenged too much (too far outside their comfort zone). To cope with this, I do 
progressive individual notes (sometimes mental notes) on students that are above expectations and ones that are below expectations. From this, I can extrapolate students progression over the unit (s).
KSA 12: The importance of engaging parents purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning
My involvement with parents was very limited. I contacted certain parents about behavioral problems I was having with their child but in general, there were no real big issues where parents needed to be involved. The biggest effect to parental contribution would be in Kindergarten Phys Ed when parent volunteers would sometimes be present with the TA in the gymnasium and they would join in on the activities. This gave certain parents the opportunity to see me teach their child class along with observing their child in action.
KSA 13: Teachers identify and use relevant learning resources
A lot of my resources came from past 
personal experiences but in addition to
that I had the assistance of my mentor
teacher and other teachers as well that
I could look for assistance. I also used
sites such as the ones shown to
generate ideas from and to see what
others teachers/professionals are doing
when trying to hit the same learning
outcomes. The two images shown are
from Pinterest which is a great site to generate ideas from and 
PE Central which is a site targeted towards Phys Ed instructors 
sharing lesson plan, assessment, and common questions that
teachers might have, such as dealing with challenges and/or 
classroom management techniques.
KSA 14: The importance of
contributing independently and
collegially to the quality of the
As an intern teaching less than full time, I had the chance to go around to other classes, observe and help out if required. As the months progressed, I became a regular with Grade 5 math as a helper to students on days where I had a large gap from teaching. I would also seek for things to do when I was not teaching. I dreaded being bored so even when I was not teaching, I would be with my mentor teacher or other teachers and teach with them or simply provided aid within their class. In addition to this, I would stay after school to chaperone athletes as they get ready for practice and ref games when needed. I always tried to keep myself busy somehow by doing something. When there was nothing to do, I would work on my Profesional Inquiry Project or clean up the gym equipment room.
KSA 15: Teachers engage in assessing the quality of their teaching
Personal feedback is important, reflecting on the positives
and negatives. By reflecting on one's own lesson plan and how
they turned out, teachers can develop and learn from their 
experiences. Many times throughout my internship, I would
reflect on how a lesson went with one class and alter any 
changes that may be required for other classes. For example,
the lesson plans for junior high are all the same but PE 7 is
usually slightly different from PE 9 as developmental levels are
vastly different. With PE 7, teaching fundamentals are key
whereas PE is further development of basic skills into manipulative skills that aid in the process of playing the game. 
In addition to this, asking for and receiving feedback from others teachers is important to see a different point of view and potentially being provided with suggestions on how a lesson plan can be altered or bettered under various circumstances. 
KSA 16: Teachers are able to communicate a personal vision of their own teaching 
When I'm teaching, I like to envision myself as the participant or the 
student within my own class. I take the role reversal point of view and
imagine myself looking back at me as a student and seeing if what I am 
saying is making sense and would I enjoy what I am doing. Would I enjoy
the lesson, enjoy the class, and do I enjoy the teacher? All these are 
questions that I go through when planning my lessons and this
metacognitive process I go through as I'm teaching to make sure I make
school as enjoyable as possible for my students.
KSA 17: Teaching Quality Standards 
As part of becoming a professional
teacher in the province of Alberta, all
teachers are bound to the same basic 
standards. Teachers are responsible for 
meeting at 17 KSA's along with teaching 
what the curriculum requires of them
in the attempt to make learning as
enjoyable as possible.
As an intern, I have just started the path
to a lifetime of professional development
and working with the ATA to set and meet
the teaching quality standards for life
long learners.
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